Monday, 9 January 2012

My First Ever Blog

My name's Jade, I graduated from Northumbria University with journalism degree in May. Since then I have had an amazing summer where I spent a month in Thailand, definitely a must for everyone's bucket lists, it's an incredible and eye opening place. Attempting to save money with two part time jobs to fund a move down to London to find a 'proper' job, which isn't going too well due to my shopping addiction, oops! Also trying to keep in touch with all my friends I made from university, so trips up and down the country have also been made and finally learning to drive. I made the mistake of not learning when I was 17 and so I'm now having to battle with it at 22, big mistake! Whilst I have been doing all this my love of writing has gone on the back burner. I read lots of blogs and have always wanted to create one but haven't had the guts to do it, I've eventually plucked up the courage to start one as I have missed writing so much. It also means that I can now tell everyone that my obsession with shopping has a purpose as I can write about it which will make me feel a lot less guilty when I check my bank statements. I'll be writing about everything I love; fashion, food, beauty, music, photography and anything that gets me interested.
Hope you all enjoy it!

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